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US Presidents Quiz

Interesting facts from the childhood of US presidents
Famous world people were once children!!!
Try to guess WHO IS WHO based on their EYES! That brings 5 points!
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This US Presidents Quiz will test your visual perception by guessing adults based on a picture from their childhood. Play this US Presidents Quiz and have fun!

“All grown-ups were once children… but only few of them remember it.” wrote Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

We were all children…once…
We explored the wonderful world, played various games, didn’t care about dirty hands or clothes, we climbed, crawled, jumped, and fell. For children, there is no concept of time, past or present, just time to eat or sleep. And that time is just a break for the next action of playing and exploring the world around us.

Children’s imagination can do anything! Children believe they can be whoever they want to be…
The President? Soldier? Astronaut? – Yes.
Doctor? Athlete? Scientist? – Of course
A Princess? Model? Ballerina? Actress?

Interesting facts from the childhood of US presidents

Being the US president is a big responsibility. Presidents are serious people who affect the lives of many people, make laws, start and end wars around the world. Every US president was a child. They were small and helpless babies, good boys who made sand towers, played with a ball, drew with chalk in the yard…

And presidents used to not know how to walk, so they practiced walking while playing and then took the first steps. And step by step, they became significant people. But some of them not only walked through life but also ran around the stadiums as football players. According to Profootballhof.com, Dwight David Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford were very good at football as children.

Gerald Fords worked at a local restaurant as a teenager and took up the game of football. Playing center, he became one of the best in the state. His football talent helped him get admitted to the University of Michigan. If he hadn’t chosen the path of politics, we would probably have used his picture in our Football Players Quiz.

George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States, as the oldest of six children, was good in sports too. Actually, he was an all-around athlete. He was playing baseball, football, and basketball. Also, he was a fair student and an occasional troublemaker in school. He was once punished for painting a mustache on his face during music class. In seventh grade, he ran for class president and won.

Some of the US presidents grew up without a father figure. One of them is Leslie Lynch King. His mother, Dorothy Ayer Gardner, soon after childbirth divorced the boy’s father — a wife-beating alcoholic — and moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan. There she met Gerald Rudolph Ford and married him. Leslie King, Jr., did not learn of his biological father until he was a teenager, and after graduating from college he officially changed his name to Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. He often recalled his mother and her second husband with much affection, admiration, and love.

William Jefferson Blythe III – Bill Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, had grandparents who were very committed to his early learning. They taught him to count and read. He was already reading little books when he was 3.”

All US presidents once did not know how to speak. They, like all babies, just gurgled to have fun or cried to get attention. Then they said the first words, then the sentences, and with those small steps they reached the level of giving presidential speeches. But, Thomas Jefferson, the third US president, had difficulty speaking in public always. He was most likely autistic. As a kid and later, Jefferson was extremely shy and avoided direct eye contact.

All US presidents used to sit at school desks, except one. Andrew Johnson is the only US president who did not go to school.

But, some US presidents have shown bad behavior at school. One of the naughty boys was Donald John Trump, 45th president of the United States. He was a 13-year-old with a history of trouble at school when his father, Fred Trump, sent him to the New York Military Academy, to be straightened out.

Also, Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, has had periods of mischief in his life. He has written and talked about using alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine during his teenage years to push questions of who he was out of his mind. Then, he had the nickname “Barry”

By the way, Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, was nicknamed “Dutch”, due to his “fat little Dutchman” appearance and the Dutch-boy haircut, by his father. The nickname stuck with him throughout his youth. Furthermore, Reagan attended Dixon High School, where he developed interests in acting, sports, and storytelling. During summer vacations, he worked as a lifeguard in Dixon.


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