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The Add Adhd Checklist For Assessing Problems In a Child’s Behavior

ADD ADHD checklist for assessing problems in a child's develpment

ADD/ADHD isn’t only the one problem that impacts a person. ADD/ADHD includes many problems that have influences on family members, peers, teachers… The very good side of those problems is that they can be solved using adequate strategies, like strategies for disciplining a child with ADHD. These strategies stimulate motivation and self-control in a child. At the same time, they respect it’s individuality and are adaptable to different children. 

Of course, in order to improve the behavior of a child, first, you need to understand their problems. For that purpose, you should observe and record the child’s behavior. But, that isn’t a simple work. You must observe a child’s behavior while thinking about their emotions, abilities, interests… Also, you must think about situations and social relations, about the functioning of the child’s family, its relations with peers… In other words, you must collect many facts about a child and, because of their better interpretation, it is useful to record them. For that purpose, you should use The Add Adhd checklist for assessing problems in a child’s behavior and The ADD ADHD checklist for assessing the child’s family functioning. Those checklists are represented in the book “Attention deficit and hyperactivity in children” by N. Jovanovic, T. F. Jovanovic and S. Jovanovic. On what to pay attention


On what to pay attention?

Identifying a problem in a child’s behavior involves not only defining problems but also their reasons. Therefore, you should pay attention to the situations in which a child’s behavior is inappropriate. We suggest you pay attention to the following:
• In which situations is a child’s behavior inappropriate?
• What does their behavior look like?
• What is the intensity of problematic behavior?
• How does the child’s behavior affect you and the environment?

The ADD ADHD Checklist For Assessing Problems In a Child’s Behavior

Create a checklist like this below or download The ADD ADHD Checklist For Assessing Problems In a Child’s Behavior. In the ADD ADHD checklist, you can record problems in a child’s behavior which you consider important for improving. Also, you can record in which situations they happen, why and what is their intensity. Through those notes, you will have a clearer insight into the intensity and reasons for problems that occur in the child’s behavior and which problems are the most urgent for modeling. By knowing the situations in which the child’s behaviour is good and the situations in which its behaviour is inappropriate, you will be able to easily structure its environment and that is an effective strategy for improving the behaviour in children with ADD/ADHD.

the ADD ADHD checklist for assessing problems in a child's behavior

The ADD ADHD Checklist For Assessing the Child’s Family Functioning

The most of child’s behavioural problems are related to their family, therefore paying attention to the family structure and functioning is very important in the assessment of child’s behavioural problems. For that purpose, you can make a table from the picture below or you can take The ADD ADHD checklist for assessing the child’s family functioning. 

You should use The ADD ADHD checklist for assessing the child’s family functioning to organize your observations about family. In that way, you can explore what’s happening in your family and what makes family problems very easy. The ADD ADHD checklist for assessing the child’s family functioning help us explore the connection between the child’s behaviour and it’s family functioning. In that way, you can find how particular family situations affect a child’s behaviour, how your relationship affects the child, which strategies you can use to improve your child’s behaviour, etc.

assessment tools for children with ADHD

While filling The ADD ADHD checklist for assessing the child’s family functioning, you don’t need to fill only one answer for each item. For example, if your family is calm generally, but rarely in chaos, mark the column ”always” on the positive and “rarely” on the negative side of the first item. Actually, you don’t even need to label everything. You can focus only on items that you consider important for your family assessment. In the end, you will make conclusions about the functioning of your family. Also, after some time, you can fill this checklist again and make comparisons with the previous one. In that way, you will make the assessment whether you made some positive changes in family functioning or not. 

At the end…

Assessment of the behavioral problem of a child with ADD ADHD is very important as the first step in modeling their behavior. Namely, when we have a clear picture of what are the problems of a child and what causes these problems, we will know what we should try to resolve. Also, that will help us to understand the child better. Above all, understanding a child with ADD/ADHD is of the utmost importance for modification of their behavior, as well as love and respect towards the child.



4 thoughts on “The Add Adhd Checklist For Assessing Problems In a Child’s Behavior

    1. Welcome! 🙂 Please, let us know if this ADD/ADHD checklist were useful for you!

  1. I use this checklist to assess the functioning of my family although no one of my kids doesn’t have ADHD. I like it. Thanks!

  2. Thank you a lot!!!! These checklists are very useful and I recommend every parent and teacher to use them.

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