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Kom tipu roditelja pripadate?

U pedagoškoj literaturi, postoje tri tipa roditelja prema autoritetu:autoritativni roditelji, autoritarni roditelji i popustljivi roditelji.Pomenuta tipologija se stvara prema tome kako roditelji i njihova deca raspoređuju prava i dužnosti između sebe. Autoritarni roditelji imaju

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Kolika je tvoja empatija?

Empatija je sposobnost sagledavanja života iz tuđe perspektive, a sve kako bi se razumelo šta ta druga osoba oseća. Mnogi istraživači su pošli od činjenice da su ljudi egocentrični. Međutim, činjenica da je čovek društveno biće, koje živi,

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Test afektivne vezanosti

Kakav je vaš stil bliskosti sa drugima? Kakav je vaš stil vezanosti za druge ljude? Da li se plašite veze sa drugim ljudima ili se vezujete prebrzo i lako? Da biste otkrili odgovor, uradite ovaj test afektivne vezanosti. To

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Am I empathetic?

Am I empathetic?

"Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes."Empathy is the ability to look at life from someone else's perspective, all in order to understand what that other person is feeling. Many researchers have started from

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empathy test for kids

Empathy Test For Kids

The empathy test for kids helps to find out how much a kid is able to understand the emotions, thinking, and behavior of other living beings. Since many psychologists consider empathy as goodness, we can describe the empathy

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attachment style test to discover your type of attachment

Attachment Style Test

What is your attachment style? Are you afraid of a relationship with other people or are you make attachments too fast and easily? To discover the answer, take this Attachment Style Test. It will help you to better understand

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under stress? take the test!

Are you a parent under stress?

Are you a parent under stress? Do you care for your kids too much? After working hours, do you hurry home to achieve housework too? Or, are you a parent who stays at home to care about kids and housework,

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permissive, authoritarian and authoritative parents

Which Type of Parents Are You?

In pedagogical literature, the most common typology of parents contains three types:authoritative parents, authoritarian parents permissive parents. The mentioned typology is created according to how parents and their children distribute the rights and duties between themselves. Authoritarian

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