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Childbirth Guide

a woman think about childbirth

Childbirth is a process when the baby, who was tucked inside the cosmic womb of his/her mother for 9 months, starts life outside of it. That is ending of baby’s prenatal development. Sure, it sounds wonderful, but seems worrying and unusual, right? So how does it happen actually? How will the baby that big in regard to your sex organs go through them and come into this world? This article is about the anatomy of childbirth, the miraculous power of women, incredible laws of nature.

Childbirth is a biological dance of baby and mother. Nature determines their steps. Under the explosion of adrenaline and other stress hormones, they dance as adequately as they were practising the steps.

In medical literature, it is described that every woman goes through three stages during childbirth.


The first stage of childbirth

The first stage begins when the first intensive contraction of the uterus happens, while the cervix, the opening of the uterus facing the vagina, opens and the mother’s pelvic bones become more flexible. It is uncertain how long this stage will last just because every woman and every pregnancy are different. On average, the first stage lasts about 14 hours, but if you’re lucky it can last less than an hour.

At the beginning of this stage, contractions occur every 15-20 minutes and last about 15-60 seconds. As time goes by, the contractions are becoming more frequent, more painful and last longer. The intensity of pain is the one thing that first-time pregnant women are most worried about. The truth is, it really hurts and they are mostly accompanied by nausea, fever, irritation. Still, every woman deals with pain differently. What some women might consider a severe pain, others might think it is mild. The truth is that a certain position can reduce the pain. You should always be in a position which works best for you when severe contractions start.

It is best to relax and to be cool between contractions. Relaxation after contraction will prepare you for the next and less pain. For relaxation, I suggest walking, showering, baths, … These are ways to stimulate contractions and accelerate labour. Many women have recommended kissing and chattering or sucking nipples for this purpose. At the same time, that present how much of a male role can be significant during labour. They shouldn’t be just scared statues those are waiting! Let them hug you, kiss you, do whatever pleases you.

Many signs show the finish of the cervical opening stage. Contractions are much more frequent and intense and some women claim that they felt the cervix opening. When the cervix is open 10 centimetres, so the baby can go into the vagina, the second labour stage will begin.

Second stage

At this stage, contractions last shorter, about one minute, but they are extra often, with a space between them, not more than one minute. Many women felt contractions like one that was lasting.

At this stage, as in the previous one, the feelings are individual and dependent on many factors. The position occupied by the baby and mother’s psychophysical condition is above those factors. You may feel full relief and want to lie down at this stage. On the other hand, you may feel intense pain.

To help with pain, should concentrate on breathing and tingling. Breathing should be rhythmic and deep between contractions. The contraction of uterus functional without the involvement of the will and pushes the baby out if there is no obstacle. So, shouldn’t push without need. Follow the hints of your body! You should gather strength, concentrate on breathing, and when you feel the need, push as hard as you can. Active tension doesn’t accelerate childbirth and can reduce the oxygen infusion to the baby.

During childbirth, you can take any position. The pelvis is the widest when the body relies on both hands and feet at the same time or while squatting. Because of that, these positions are biologically and most suitable for childbirth.

If you want to scream or moan, do it. That is natural for a woman when giving a birth. That will not be the sound of your weakness, but your courage and strength. When your baby appears, every your yell will get the meaning.

Usually, the top of the baby’s head appears first. It is usually necessary to wait for the baby to turn around 1/4 of the circle to get out the other parts – shoulders, one by one, then the body. The doctor can help the baby. Babies can be born in other positions too. Breech birth is the most common of position when baby’s bottom appears the first.

If the baby begins to breathe as soon as her head comes out, baby’s skin will be pink when he/she is born. In other cases, the baby is very calm and bluish until a balanced breathing has established. Crying doesn’t have to be a characteristic of every newborn. Some babies cry for a moment and then stop. Some just breathe, blink and look around or wheeze.

Third stage

The baby was born, but isn’t the labour over yet? Yes, you will need to withstand a more contraction before enjoying the beauty of your baby, because the third stage of childbirth follows.  At this stage, you will feel contractions further because you need to eject the content that is stayed in the womb. The womb will contract around it, the placenta will separate from the womb wall and will be thrown out through your vagina.

Perhaps, this text about childbirth sounds traumatic to you. It’s not my intention to scare you but to prepare you. That is why I am sincere, childbirth representing a trauma, not only for the mother but for the baby also. Imagine that someone is pushing you for a few hours through some unknown narrow channel, and it happens that you don’t have enough oxygen. From there, you are thrown into a completely unknown room, whose light is much stronger than the one you are used to. Yes, childbirth will be a trauma to your baby and you, viewed from the biological aspect.

childbirth give a baby

Although, if you consider childbirth as your spiritual accomplishment, then it will be the most wonderful trauma of your life. And when the child would breathe in your chest, helpless and beautiful, and while you smell his/her skin, the moments of his/her birth will be worth remembering. You will be proud and happy that you are a woman and that you carry this strange weight, called childbirth, on your back.


2 thoughts on “Childbirth Guide

  1. Thanks for this awesome childbirth guide! I was scared of childbirth but, after reading this guide, I change my emotions! I am 30 weeks pregnant and can’t wait to hold my baby!

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